



Evolve Strategy for Beginners – How Not to Suck as the Hunters

Evolve Strategy for Beginners – How Not to Suck as the Hunters

We gave you our tips for surviving as the monster in Evolve . Now it’s time to tell you how to take the monster down. Playing poorly as the hunters is particularly demoralizing in Evolve as you won’t even see the monster until you lose. Well, these ten tips will keep you from playing a depressing game of tag, and will instead give you a nice monster head to mount on your wall.

Tip #1 – Stay Together

I cannot stress this enough. Stay together! Stay together all the time! If you run off on your own, you will die! There are even environmental hazards that can insta-kill you if a friend doesn’t shoot you out of them. Stay together or you will lose.

Tip #2 – Don’t Ignore A.I. Monsters

Any good monster will try to lead you past dangerous A.I. critters on the map. Don’t be shy about taking these out, especially if they are albinos. Albino creatures give you a temporary buff, and things like health regeneration or increased movement speed are great tools for keeping up with the monster.

Tip #3 – Follow the Trapper

If the trapper is playing any class other than Maggie, then he is experienced and knows how to find the monster, so follow him. If the trapper is playing Maggie, then her alien dog Daisy will constantly zero in on the monster’s location, so follow it. Even if your trapper is bad, you want the trapper around when you stumble upon the monster in order to keep it close by and force it to fight you.

Tip #4 – Utilize your Secondary Abilities

It’s easy to focus on your gun and your gun only when hunting the monster. However, a good hunter will use all of her abilities. Weapons auto reload when not in use, so after you empty your clip, switch to something else and immediately start using it. You should never have down time, so set mines, put up shields, fire harpoons, and do whatever it takes to stay active until your gun is online again.

Tip #5 – Don’t Try to Play Out of Role

There is a role for damaging the monster. It’s the assault role. Every other role should be doing what they do best first. The medic should be healing, the support should be buffing, and the trapper should be trapping. Similarly, if you don’t like following the trapper around everywhere and want to find the monster on your own, then play the trapper. Trying to fulfill a role you don’t have the class for will doom you to failure. The game is balanced around each class being used for its own purpose.

Evolve Strategy for Beginners – How Not to Suck as the Hunters

Tip #6 – Look Up

Just a quick piece of advice: if you can’t find the monster, look up. Many hunters spend the entire game on the ground, never climbing up cliff faces, making it easy for the monster to avoid them and stay out of sight.

Tip #7 – Jetpack Defensively

If the monster starts attacking you, jump and jetpack someplace else. Monsters may have ranged abilities, but their ability to target hunters that are above them is limited. So fly directly over their head and get to safety if one is coming for you.

Tip #8 – Climbing Gives You Infinite Fuel

Many hunters will just give up if they see a monster climb up a cliff and they have no fuel. Remember, your jetpack has infinite fuel if you are pushing against a wall. You can climb up any surface, just like the monster can. So don’t stop pursuing him just because your jetpack is empty.

Tip #9 – Jetpack Dash to Pursue the Monster

The monster’s running and leaping speed is a little bit faster than yours. Use your jetpack dashes to catch up to him. Similarly, use your jetpack dodges to get out of his way if he is coming for you. These quick horizontal bursts of movement are a hunter’s best friend, and you should be using them liberally.

Tip #10 – Use the Mini-Map

The game doesn’t tell you this, but there is a button that opens up a mini-map and shows you exactly where all the hunters are, as well as any map activities like scared birds. Use this to your advantage. If a monster makes a sound far away, then look where it is on the map and maybe try to head around in the opposite direction to see if you can cut it off. Remember that the monster can see you at all times with his smell ability, so act like you are fighting someone who has this ability.

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